It is in our opinion that a "No Vote" or third-party vote is a vote for Obama. As much as we despise Romney and as much as Rev. Dr. Red attacked Romney during the Republican campaign in the hopes Cain would win; it is our understanding that Romney must win. No he isn't the best candidate based on his track-record. But if we dont stand behind Romney we will surely see another four years of Obama. Rev. Dr. Red believes another four years would lead to devastation.
"Considering Obama's blatant disregard for the American people and Congress, the executive orders he signed and what those executive orders entail and mean for the American people, and the fact Obama has broken every promise he made; it is fair to conclude Obama is guilty of treason and turning America into a third-world nation." Rev. Dr. Red is quoted as saying.
Rev. Dr. Red goes on to say "The only promise has Obama has kept is to bring change. He brought change alright. He down-sized the military, destroyed the economy, more than.doubled the nations debt, sold off American soil to the Chinese, and began a govt endorsed attack on Christianity while bowing down to Islam. Hows the change working for you? If Romney does not get into office, i fear we wont just see another four years of Obama but a lifetime. It is in my estimation that Obama, if re-elected, will act on some of his executive orders successfully making him Dictator-in-Chief and the United States of America will become the United Socialist States of America. Is that really what we want? Do we really want to kiss our freedoms good-bye? Do we really want to risk going to jail or being killed for being a Christian? I pray that America will wake up and do whats right. I pray that Ron Paul fans will realize that Obama is far worse than they feel Obama ever could be. I pray that Romney will win this election and Conservative-Republicans win seats in Senate."
Comparing the events of today to Bible prophecy it is all to clear where we are. Certain events must take place. We cannot stop it. But we are not to do nothing either. Whether you compare Obama to the AntiChrist or Romney to the Mormon prophecy of End Times, either way you cut it we are surely there. It is now upto you to decide how you would like to live these times out. Either you choose to live under the tyrannical oppression of Satan through Obama or you choose to live them out with freedom and worshipping God, which will only be possible if Romney is elected into office.
The next step will be repealing ObamaCare, nicknamed ObamaTax on the social networks. Not many are aware, but in ObamaCare, as of March 23, 2013 it will be mandatory for all American citizens to have an RFID chip. It also states that the elderly will be killed off via refusal of treatment. It is Obama taking away your Freedom. It is Obama killing off your grandparents. Romney is trying to save them.
Rev. Dr. Red and this ministry endorse Mitt Romney for Pr.esident