by Carl Parnell
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Since the terrorist attack on New York City on September 11, 2001, the federal government has worked vehemently to prevent any future terrorist attacks on American soil. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department have categorized groups of people who should be considered “potential terrorists.” Therefore, if all Americans knew the characteristics of “potential terrorists,” it would make it much easier to prevent future terrorist attacks. However, the list of those who have been categorized as “potential homegrown terrorists” by the federal government is ludicrous. Also, the least likely Americans have been labeled as the most likely to attempt to destroy America from within. But, based on the actions of the three branches of government, since the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, it is the federal government that should be viewed as the group that is most responsible for sponsoring and supporting homegrown terrorism for the purpose of preventing Americans from showing outright dissent toward their federal government.
But, first, let’s look at the groups that the federal government has classified as dangerous, “potential terrorists.” The first and most dangerous group, according to the federal government, consists of any person who professes to be a born-again Christian. As a result, in the years to come, Christians in America will most likely face severe persecution from the government, and possibly incarcerated in prison without a trial, if they dare voice their opposition to America’s elected leaders who are determined to undermine the U.S. Constitution. Of course, most Christians would not agree that the federal government has categorized them as “potential terrorists.” But, several whistleblower messages from the White House prove that the federal government have labeled Christians as stated. However, on April 7, 2009, a Department of Homeland Security report classified Christians as “potential terrorists.” Three main provisions of this unclassified document as reported in WorldNetDaily were:
1. It warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with "radical" ideologies based on Christian views, such as opposing ( illegal immigration )
2. It warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with "radical" ideologies based on Christian views, such as opposing (abortion )
3. It warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with "radical" ideologies based on Christian views, such as opposing (federal taxes )
Therefore, Christians in America must become aware of the anti-Christian sentiment that exists in the federal government’s attack against terrorism in America. As stated earlier, just imagine having to spend most of your life in prison just because you were a law-abiding Christian who just happened to be against illegal immigration, ungodly abortion, and extremely high federal taxes. But, it could very well happen if America’s elected leaders continue to usurp the authority of a Judeo-Christian based U.S. Constitution and continue to promote an un-American, socialistic agenda.
The second most dangerous group of “potential terrorists” in America are veterans of the Afghanistan War and the Iraqi War. Of course, it is an absurdity to label the men and women who risked their lives on foreign soil to defend America’s way of life. But, obviously, most people would refuse to accept that the federal government would categorize America’s veterans as has been stated. However, in the same Homeland Security report mentioned previously, America’s veterans were classified as having the ability to become homegrown terrorists. The
report stated:
*The return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks
*Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists,” it says. “DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities
Therefore, United States military veterans must become aware of the anti-veteran sentiment that exists in the federal government’s attack against terrorism in America. But, why does the federal government fear the very people that it trained to protect the United States from its bonafide enemies? What is the federal government hiding that would ultimately cause veterans to take up arms against them. Could it be the nationalization of the National Guard? Could it be the passage of legislation that is on the verge of elimination the rights given to Americans by the Bill of Rights? Could it be the passage of the recent Senate Bill 1867 that would give the military permission to arrest any “potential terrorists” anywhere in the world and put them in prison without the right of habeas corpus (the right to a hearing and trial)? Could it be the running of the government by a president who has decided to bypass Congress? Ultimately, could it be that the federal government is attempting to get non-veterans to worry more about so-called disloyal veterans than some members of the federal government who are attempting to destroy the freedoms and sovereignty of the United States through legislation, regulation, and taxation. Of course, regardless of the reason for labeling veterans as “potential terrorists,” the federal government’s rationale is undeniably and unequivocally wrong.
The third most dangerous group of “potential terrorists” in America are those people who complain about the federal government’s drive for more nationally-centralized authority over the states and the masses of people. This can easily be seen in the attacks by the current administration toward the Tea Party Movement. According to Wikipedia,
The Tea Party Movement is an American populist political movement that is generally recognized as a conservative and libertarian, and has sponsored protests and supported political candidates since 2009. It endorses reduced government spending, opposition to taxation in varying degrees, reduction of the national debt and federal budget deficit, and adherence to an originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.
In its attacks against the Tea Party Movement, the federal government constantly depicts members of this political movement as “potential terrorists” whose main goal is to overthrow the very government that they are attempting to restore to its original glory. In fact, according to Jeffrey T. Kuhner in a Washington Times article,
Leftist expediency now requires that the most heinous, reckless and degrading comments be used. Tea Parters are not simply being slandered, they are being dehumanized. Ironically, it is liberals who are paving the way for potential political violence. Terrorists, hostage-takers, suicide bombers, neo-Nazis, the Christian Taliban- all of the epithets regularly thrown at Tea Party members by rabid progressives-eventually foster one overriding emotion: hatred.
Therefore, this progressive hatred is the driving force that unifies members of the current administration in their effort to possibly silence America’s last line of defense against the left-wing, Democratic agenda to turn America into a European-style, socialistic utopia.
The fourth most dangerous group of “potential terrorists” in America are those people who purport the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is the right to bear arms. In fact, based on several documented sources, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Attorney-General Eric Holder do not support the Second Amendment fully, as written by the Founding Fathers. Basically, they believe that the Second Amendment does not give Americans the right to bear arms. They believe that the U.S. Constitution just gives the military and law enforcement agencies the right to bear arms. As a result, they support various types of gun control legislation, even working with the un-American United Nations to pass an international Small Arms Treaty. According to a MarketWatch article, The National Association For Gun Rights stated that if passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE national governments to:
1. Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
2. CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
3. BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
4. Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION..."
Therefore, if America’s leaders give in to the demands of the United Nations, America’s days as a free nation will be numbered, since only an armed citizenry can defend itself against those who want America to lose its sovereignty and god-given constitutional rights. But, why would the federal government attempt to amend the Constitution in order to prevent America citizens from owning weapons in order to protect their personal property and personal lives? Why would the federal government attempt to deny millions of people the opportunity to hunt deer and other wild game for sport and for food? Could it be that the federal government is afraid that these gun owners would be able to possibly defend America from those in the federal government whose major agenda is to take the United States government hostage from within? Regardless of the rationale for attempting to deny Americans their god-given, constitutional rights, the federal government must realize that Americans have owned guns for too long to haphazardly give up their guns to a governmental entity for any possible misguided reason.
The fifth most dangerous group of “potential terrorists” in America are a group classified as “Preppers.” According to Wikipedia, preppers are individuals or groups who are actively preparing for future possible disruptions in local, regional, national, or international social or political order. They often prepare for this anticipated disruption by having emergency medical training, stockpiling food and water, preparing for self-defense and self-sufficiency, and/or building structures that will help them survive. Anticipated disruptions include the following:
1. Natural Disasters
2. Manmade Disasters
3. General Collapse of Society
4. Economic Collapse
5. A Sudden Pandemic
6. Widespread Chaos
However, according to Rand Paul, Republican Senator from Kentucky, the federal government now considers anyone who has more than a week’s supply of food on hand as a “potential terrorist.” If that is the case, all shoppers at Sam’s Club or Costco are “potential terrorists.” On the surface though, that seems rather humorous. But, in reality, it isn’t as a result of Senator Paul’s other warning. He “warns that under the new provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, which just passed Congress resoundingly, the federal government could lock you up indefinitely without due process and without being convicted of a crime.” As is obvious, it really does not matter who a person votes for any longer. Apparently, most of America’s politicians have a strong desire to keep their political positions until they die and, at the same time, deny the very people that they represent their basic freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore, will American citizens be able to keep their constitutional rights? Of course, even more importantly, what can be done to reverse the current trend in America to create a full-fledged socialist nation? Ultimately, could it possibly be too late?
The sixth most dangerous group of “potential terrorists” in America are home schoolers. Of course, it is obvious that home schoolers are parents who teach their children at home because their belief system is completely opposite of the federally-sponsored and funded public school systems. According to WorldNetDaily, there are several major reasons why parents teach their children at home and keep them out of the public school systems in their states. They are:
1. Concern about the School Environment (Safety, Drugs, and Negative Peer Pressure)
2. Able to Instruct Children in Religious and Moral Issues
3. Dissatisfaction with Academic Instruction
4. Using a Nontraditional Approach to Children’s Education
As a result, the federal government has targeted home schoolers as “potential terrorist.” Basically, the federal government is upset that these home schoolers are not being taught from curriculums that promote the government’s anti-Christian, pro-homosexual, politically-correct agenda. Therefore, the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D. C. are working overtime to make home schooling against the law in America. In fact, there are bills in Congress, that if passed, would force Christian schools and home schoolers to teach the same curriculums as public schools. Also, the federal government might just be upset because home schoolers tend to do better on standardized tests than their public school counterparts. According to three studies completed in the United States and two studies in Canada, public school students have average scores in the 50th percentile, where as, home schoolers have average scores in the 65th to 80th percentile.
However, the main rationale for attacking home schoolers and classifying them as “potential terrorists” is the federal government’s desire to force home schoolers back into public school classrooms in order for them to be indoctrinated to a humanistic, atheistic belief system that is contrary to their parents Judeo-Christian belief system. In fact, John Dewey, the Father of Progressive Education in America, made a provocative anti-Christian quote that appeared in The Humanist Magazine in 1983 that should give home school parents one more vital reason for keeping their children out of public schools. He said,
I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being...The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and new — the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent with the promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of ‘love thy neighbor’ will finally be achieved.
Needless to say, it is rather obvious how John Dewey felt about America’s public school system and the purpose of education in America. Sadly, as is obvious, too, there are many politicians and educators in the United States who feel the same way today. Therefore, home schoolers should keep molding and developing minds that fear God and that promote the way of life guaranteed to all American citizens by the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution.
Finally, despite the attacks against home schooling, there have been many famous and successful men and women who were home schooled. Some of the more prominent are:
*Abraham Lincoln-Sixteenth President of the United States
*Andrew Carnegie-Carnegie Steel Company
*Booker T. Washington-Teacher, Author, and first President of Tuskegee Institute
*Woodrow Wilson-Twenty-Eighth President of the United States
*C. S. Lewis-Writer, Critic, and Theologian
*Joseph Priestly-Father of Modern Chemistry
*Frank Lloyd Wright-Iconic Architect
*Albert Einstein-Theory of Relativity
*Pearl S. Buck-Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning Author
*Tim Tebow-Christian Professional Football Quarterback
In conclusion, the sand in America’s “freedom” sand clock has almost emptied from the top into the bottom. If America is to remain free from the tyranny of those who would destroy it from within, a miracle must take place. Therefore, Christians of all faiths must once again pray to the God of the Founding Fathers and ask Him to forgive them of their individual and collective sins. Then and only then will He turn America’s “freedom” sand clock upside down again so that the sands of “freedom” will once again move slowly and continually throughout America. As stated in II Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” If not, America’s governmental obituary would be written very soon. This obituary would read,
Today, Uncle Sam died. He was 235 years old. His death was seemingly a shock to most people who loved him so dearly. However, there were many warning signs that he was on the verge of dying, but most of his friends ignored these warnings. As a result, nothing was done to prevent the demise of their “freedom-loving” friend. Therefore, with the death of Uncle Sam, those who cherished the life that he lived would only have a memory to look back on. Then, the sands of time of America’s constitutional republican form of government, that Uncle Sam promoted and lived on a daily basis, would forever be blown away by the “winds of governmental change,” a change from individual rights for all Americans to complete governmental control of the masses.