
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Government, God, and Homosexuality

Government, God, and Homosexuality

As we all know, New York State just passed the legalization of homosexual marriage. To understand what really happened here, we must know what homosexuality is and what God says about. 
The definition is as follows:
of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex

erotic activity with another of the same sex

What does God say? 
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:22

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13

Now that we understand what homosexuality is, lets talk about it for a minute. 

The legalization of homosexual marriage in NYS is taking effect nationwide as well as globally. It's safe to assume we will soon see legal homosexual marriages everywhere. That would be one thing if it stays only as that, seen as ok by government. 

But I ask you what will happen now? Will the government take it upon themselves to enter into the faith?

Over 97% of American churches are incorporated under 501(c)3. Upon signing the documents, you agree to all current as well as future rules and regulations. One such statement being agreed to, is if you break the contract or a law set forth, you are open to either be shut-down or taken over by the government. In which case a government official is assigned to your establishment to run it as they see fit. 
Now, if a homosexual couple asks a particular church to marry them, and are denied, that church can now be shutdown or taken over. Do you feel the government should have that ability?

It is a known fact many "Christian" ministers and churches are heretics and hypocrites. Though, there are true Christians out there. A Christian minister, or a minister of any faith, should not have to be forced to enact on a behavior that goes against their Spiritual beliefs. A True Christian minister cannot and will not allow themself to perform a homosexual marriage, in turn giving them the right to a form of adultery, under God. 

The argument whether homosexuality is a choice or a born sexual desire is irrelevant. Homosexuals are divided on that same argument. Fact is, your actions are your choice. Whether it be you take part in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship, it is your choice to do so. Gods children are not homosexual and will not take part in a homosexual relationship. To live along the narrow-path God has laid is difficult, but not impossible. All that needs to be done is for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and ask Him to help you. You do not have to walk the path alone. Jesus will guide you, if you ask for His help. 

There are two types of man on this planet. Gods children and spawns of Satan. Anyone who is a homosexual and is a child of Gods is lost. They must be guided back to God, not shunned. Homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured. It is the responsibility of True Christians to guide the lost back to God. Homosexuals are lost and need guidance. 

Homosexuals as a populace are also being used as a tool for the elite. Homosexuality is a sin. It is a tool used by Satan to take Gods children away from God. The elite has been taking steps to outlaw Christianity. It started with God leaving our schools, workplace, and our homes. Now they are aiming to use the fact that True Christians will not marry homosexuals to further their cause of ridding themselves of the threat Christianity poses to their agenda of a one world government and one world religion. The elite views Christianity as a threat because Christianity can and will shed light into their darkness. 

If the government wishes to acknowledge homosexual behavior and marriage it should go no farther. They should not have the right to force a spiritually inclined individual or establishment to change their beliefs simply becausr the government says so. Spiritual Messiah Ministries and myself will not change our beliefs nor will we be silenced simply because the government says so. What the government says means nothing. The government is not God, they are not Divine beings. Jesus Christ and God the Father is my God. Jesus Christ is the only being that has any affect on my spiritual beliefs and this ministry. The government is not Jesus Christ, therefore what the government says on terms of Spirituality means nothing. It is not the governments place to play God.

It is our duty, as Christian brothers and sisters, to come together. To unite as a family. To guide the lost back to God. We must help the homosexuals realize the err of their ways, the sin be committed, and guide them back to God. 

We also must realize where this legalization of homosexual marriages is heading in in the bigger picture, the grander scheme, and must not allow it to reach that point. 

Homosexuality is a disease created by Satan to destroy Christianity. Christians united contain enough light to destroy Satan. It is time now Christians everywhere unite and once and for all destroy Satan. The first step in ridding our family of Satan is to bring our Brothers and Sisters back to God. Help them find their way back home. These poor souls need more guidance than most. They can be saved, if only more Christians would take the time to help homosexuals conquer the disease given them by Satan. If they are children of God, they will hear His voice and come home.

You can listen to the Podcast by CLICKING HERE

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