Fight Against Christianity Begins in US?
Its truly Hell on Earth when Anti-Christian's are in office attacking Christians with the aim at making Christianity illegal. News coverage is below. The term "radical" is used to describe both Christians and Muslims. Lets make sure we understand the term. Here is the definition:
Main Entry: radical
Function: noun
Date: 1641
1 a : a root part b : a basic principle : foundation
Main Entry: rad·i·cal·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈra-di-kə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1820
1 : the quality or state of being radical
2 : the doctrines or principles of radicals
Now that we understand the term "radical", Muslims are also said to be a race. Muslim is NOT a race. You have White, Black, Arab, Asian, etc Muslims as you do Christians. Not all Muslims are Arab, not all Arabs are Muslim. If you are going to suggest Muslim is a race, same should be said of ALL religion and faith-based beliefs.
That being said, read the news coverage below, be aware of whats happening, do NOT allow this to be the start of Christianity becoming illegal. Stand up, dont keep sitting there.
Democrat Congresswoman Calls For Investigation Of ‘Christian Militants’
Christians are the real threat, not Islam
At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”
In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.
Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”
Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.” Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not — your distinction is not answering the question.”
From CNS News
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said at a June 15, 2011 hearing that the committee was formed to fight threats against the United States posed by radical Islam. ( Starr)
( – Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D.-Texas) likened "Christian militants" to Islamic radicals in a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, suggesting they posed a comparable threat to the rule of law in the United States.
At the same hearing, a witness told the committee that the conversion of U.S. prison inmates to radical Islam is an “evolving threat” to national security.
Michael Downing, the head of counter-terrorism and special operations at the Los Angeles Police Department, was one of three witnesses who testified at the hearing on Muslim radicalization called by Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican.
But Democrats on the committee condemned the proceedings as “racist” because of its focus on Muslims. They said the hearing should focus on broader issues, including gangs, unfair sentencing practices that target young black men, and other extremists, including white supremacists.
King rebuffed those criticisms, telling Democrats that they controlled the Homeland Security Committee for four years, yet they did not call one hearing on any of the issues they claimed should be part of Wednesday’s hearing.
“Suddenly this issue emerges when we start talking about Muslim radicalization,” King said. “The purpose of this committee is to combat Islamic terrorism because that is the terrorist threat to this country,” King said.
In his prepared testimony, the LAPD’s Downing said nearly 300 people are spending time in federal prisons on terrorism-related charges, including nearly two dozen al-Qaeda-linked terrorists who were involved in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the 1998 East African embassy bombings, the 1999 millennial plot to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole.
Patrick Dunleavy, a retired deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit with the New York Department of Correctional Services, said at the June 15, 2011 hearing that the recruitment of inmates to Jihad was a reality and steps need to be taken to better monitor inmates' interactions while in prison.
( Starr)
Another witness testified that many prison inmates who are jailed for lower-level crimes emerge from prison “committed to Jihad” because of their contact with Muslim inmates.
“Every one of them, while incarcerated, was exposed to extremist ideology through literature, visitors, volunteers, and clergy with ties to terrorist organizations or extremists and/or known terrorists who were also doing time in prison,” said Patrick Dunleavy, retired deputy inspector general with the criminal intelligence unit at New York Department of Correctional Services.
Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Calif.) grilled Dunleavy on the definition of the world “radicalize” and said that “various groups,” including white supremacists, also have been radicalized in U.S. prisons.
Richardson criticized the hearing for focusing only on Muslim radicalization: “I actually believe that the focus of one particular group on the basis of race or religion can be deemed as racist and as discriminatory.” She said a hearing singling out one group on the basis of race or religion “is flawed and should not be done in the House of Representatives.”
But Rep. King, the committee chair, said he “disagreed 100 percent” with Richardson. He noted that the Homeland Security Committee was formed to investigate terrorist threats following the attack by radical Islamists on Sept. 11, 2001.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee expressed “angst” about the hearing and compared radicalized Muslims to what she called “radical Christian militants.”
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) criticized the focus of the June 15, 2011 hearing, saying that 'radical Christian militants' pose a threat to the United States.
( Starr)
Jackson Lee cited the case of Verne Jay Merrell, one of three men described by prosecutors as “extremist” and “paramilitary,” who was sentenced to life in prison for setting off bombs near a Spokane, Washington, newspaper office and an abortion clinic.
Jackson Lee described Merrell as a “Christian militant.”
“Mr. Dunleavy, are you familiar with the Christian militant?”
“Yes I am,” Dunleavy answered.
“Can one say that they might possibly want to undermine this country?” Jackson Lee asked. “Because right now, constitutionally, the right for women to choose (abortion) is a constitutional right.
“People disagree with it, but here’s an individual attempting to undermine the protections that are given to women,” Jackson Lee continued. “Would you suggest that that might be compared to trying to undermine this country? That’s a possibility, is it not?”
Dunleavy responded that anyone who kills in the name of God is an ideologue, but that he did not believe Christian militants were connected to foreign groups that pose a threat to U.S. security.
“I don’t think that’s the issue,” Jackson Lee said. “The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this country. And I think it is clear that that is the case,” she said.
Some Comments on this topic:
I wonder if Ms. Jackson Lee is Christian - she supposedly represents the state of Texas, which I truly doubt because Texas is smack in the heart of the Bible belt. Her Christian constituents might want to consider voting her out of office. In addition, she needs to leave the whole religious thing out of the militant behavior question. As a data point, there are humans streaming over the border that are probably non-religious, but militant, and want to overthrow our country! You know, I think she's as sharp as a bowling ball. Just vote NO when she wants a renewal on that Congressional seat. Please!
Sick of the race/Muslim card!
Read the follwoing two sections tha were copied and pasted straight from the article. Do you see the double talk and double standard? I am sick of the race card and the Muslim card. It is Muslisms trying to kill us, not Christians!
Richardson criticized the hearing for focusing only on Muslim radicalization: “I actually believe that the focus of one particular group on the basis of race or religion can be deemed as racist and as discriminatory.”
But Democrats on the committee condemned the proceedings as “racist” because of its focus on Muslims. They said the hearing should focus on broader issues, including gangs, unfair sentencing practices that target young black men, and other extremists, including white supremacists.
Mrs. Jackson Lee graduated from a high school in Jamaica and is originally from Queens, NY, I think it is time that we shipped her back to NY.
Sheila Jackson-Lee is another Socialist Democrat who wants to see America fall. I hope one day that the Patriots of this country will demand that every Radical liberal, Progressive, Marxist, Socialist, & Communist be rounded up and deported from our wonderful country. I wonder if Mrs. Jackson-Lee would love the Muslims so much if she were to live under Sharia Law and be made to wear a burka? This socialist needs to be voted out of office immediately.
Look up Yuri Bezmenov video from the 80s, he's defected former KGB, and describes how our country got into the mess we are today. The results of demoralization attack the Soviets started in the 60s. Slow process, but its plan was to make us complete dumbasses like this representative. When you watch the vid, remember it was recorded in the mid 80s.....
Jackson Lee said. “The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this country"....
so, would she apply this definition to illegal aliens as well? Of course not.....
Continually embarrassed that she's from the great state of Texas---how in the hell can her constituents be so stupid as to continually re-elect her? Never mind, rhetorical question. Racist, left wing radicals.
When have we read in our present day that Christians beheaded an infidel?When have we read in our present day that Christians have performed honor killings within their own families?
When have we read in our present day that Christians have married children and sexually molested them?
When have we read in our present day that Christians hate all those who disagree with them and want them killed?
When have we read in our present day that Christians have performed suicide bombings and killed innocent people?
It is quite apparent that liberals dismiss the grave nature of what the Islamist terrorists are doing to innocent people, i.e., until they do it to one of them!!!!
Lord, take the veil off liberals' eyes.
Too bad that Jared Loughner didn't chose to ambush this disgusting idiot Jackson instead of Mrs. Gifford. He could have tons of people forgiving him.
Gifford wasn't enough of a radical leftist democrat, 'progressives' throughout history have been known for purging their party.....
Eyes Wide Open
...and to think...the black race really believe the demonrats are for them. I used to think the american black race as very christian and beautifully spiritual. now i see them as haters, thugs, anti christian, anti american complainers sold out to the party of death...the demonrats.
Not all of our Black Americans are like this, only the ignorant vote for people like Mrs. Jackson-Lee.
Can you image the mentality that voted her into office?!?! These people are only mouthpieces of the extreme left AND THAT IS WHAT IS BRINGING THIS COUNTY DOWN! The further we drift away form our Judeo-Christian beliefs the more we suffer. We suffer social, economically, and morally.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D.-Texas), a person of questionable character, should vacation in an Islamic country for about three months. Then return and retract her slanderous accusation against Christians who are proactive in the political process. She has certainly crossed the line. If she does not make a retraction maybe she should be likened to an Islamic fundamentalist extremist.
I can not recall the last time i heard a report of a Christian extremist, who strapped a bomb to his or her chest, and went running into a crowd, yelling "JESUS ROCKS" before detonating.
Now, Muslim extremists ...
Jackson-Lee is a radical black believer who is using the new black descriptive word for white people, "Christian Militants", thus taking the focus off the real Muslim terrotists. This is the radical black approach to shifting the focus to watching white christians and exposing them as domestic terrorists. Get some guts America and watch the radical black manuevers to radicalize white America.
Great Grandma
Why isn't anyone demanding that Sheila Jackson Lee provide proof of even one Christian terrorist?
She's obviously an bomb throwing idiot.
People like these clowns really make me wish the South would have won.
That woman, SJL, has the shown, very often, how "self centered,
uninformed, RACIST and anti christian" she is. Her train of
thought is that of a unschooled person. Her lack of knowledge in
world events, current affairs and American liberties makes me wonder at the level of brain matter she has confined in that head of hers. I know SJL can read, but she does not comprehend. How sad other
“elected” have to have a dimwit like SJL around them.
SJL brings the “class average” down considerably. This story really ruined my morning coffee.
Yea, are they going to confuse the definition of Militant with Militia?
This has also been set aside and forgotten that whites had been slaves too.
Ya know -- racism runs both ways. Blacks were the First to own slaves:
If you have a poisonous spyder on one side of you, you don't call attention to the cockroach on the other side of you. You kill the spider then deal with the cockroach. Unless of course you want the spider to hurt someone. Is that simple enough for you Ms. Jackson?
Mel shearin
sheila jackson must be jesse jackson's cousin they both think alike like an idiot! isn't it funny that people like ms jackson whom work for the devil and believe in the devil always hate people that love GOD and always are looking for an excuse to blame CHRISTIANS to expand their evil like a woman's right to commit murder! Hey ms jackson a woman doesn't have any rights when it comes to doing something with her body! She was created by GOD and she doesn't have any say in the decision of having an abortion! If she has one than she has committed murder in the eyes of our heavenly father! put that in your pea size brain and change your way of thinking ms idiot!
Chauncey Freeman
The reprehensible Sheila Jackson Lee needs to be held accountable for her anti-Christian bigotry and/or at very least challenged to site more than a token example of "Christian Militancy". If it is "racist" to suggest that Islamic folk are becoming radicalized is it not also racist to suggest that there is such a thing as "Christian Militants"?
One thing is for certain, there is a domestic enemy who wields much more power than any Muslim, White Supremacist, or Christian Militant and is much more likely to "undermine the laws of this country" and it is Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who's record of Afro-Centric legislating is as racist as any antebellum southern Democrat ever was and who's indecorous and incendiary rhetoric has done more to divide Americans by race than the worst segregationist. Beware the enemy within.
/"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Cicero 58 Before Christ
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